Cloud service provider or system house? Who is the right partner?

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Cloud service provider or system house? Who is the right partner? Post Cover

Who is the right cloud partner?

When it comes to the digital transformation of a company, it is important to work with the right expert as a partner. But how do I find out who is the most suitable?

Cloud service provider or system house? Who is the right partner?

Who is the right cloud partner for my entry into the cloud? In this blog, we would like to highlight the experience and expertise of two cloud partners that could be a cloud partner for your business. The thought and decision, towards the right cloud partner is not only a first, but also for the whole process of transformation, crucial step. Basically, there are cloud service providers and system houses to choose from. In this blog post you will find out who is the right partner for you on the way to the public cloud or private cloud and what experience, competencies and benefits you can expect.

Cloud types: public cloud and private cloud

The cloud represents the conceptual location of data storage, whereby over a global network of servers, data is stored and managed to run applications and deliver content or services.

The public cloud and private cloud are two different types of cloud. In the public cloud, the data resides on public servers, where as in the private cloud, only one customer accesses the servers. In this way, it is roughly comparable to having a safe in your own house and a safe deposit box at the bank. In this way, the private cloud forms a private network for one customer. It is thus personalized, but involves a high investment in acquisition, operation and security & IT management.

With the public cloud, these investments in hardware or software do not apply. And in contrast to a private cloud, services are not only made available to a single organization, but to many users. The advantages here are the associated flexibility and a wide range of services on-demand or in the pay-per-use principle, where you can flexibly scale your required resources and only pay for what you actually use.

Cloud service provider vs. system house

Both cloud partners obtain the cloud platform from a cloud provider. System houses focus on the provision of complete solutions with software and hardware, whereas the cloud service provider provides a highly specialized team where you can always obtain the resources you need as and when you need them. In this way, the cloud service provider opens up all options for easy and rapid scaling. An approach that contradicts the concept of the system house at its core, since the service is associated with an expensive hardware sale.

In terms of agility and availability, the cloud service provider can also set itself apart from the system house. System houses are limited in their agility by their complex structures, their numerous departments and the associated hierarchy. Whereas the cloud service provider provides small and highly specialized teams that work in sprints of one to two weeks. This approach creates a high level of transparency and agility for you as a customer. Availability on an international level, the infrastructure is available at the cloud service provider by the cloud provider in the shortest possible time (AWS has servers on different continents, for example). System houses can often only provide resources after a considerable time or can only implement them via the partner.

As far as scalability is concerned, the speed of scaling via automation is also an advantage on the part of the cloud service provider. By automating applications, infrastructures and extensions are rolled out in the cloud environment within minutes. Although there is also the possibility of automated scaling at the system house partner, each individual manufacturer interface must be addressed for this, which means more time and cost expenditure.

There is little difference in the individualization and creation of cloud processes. Both cloud partners pursue a concept in which consulting and migration are tailored to the customer. Both cloud service providers and system houses often have to build solutions completely individually.


Both cloud partners are qualified companions when it comes to implementing cloud solutions. Thus, one should be aware of which cloud model is right for one's business and which of these partners represents the right offering for it. Both partners obtain the cloud platform from a cloud provider. Whereas system houses focus on providing complete solutions with software and hardware, the cloud service provider provides a highly specialized team where required resources are made available entirely as needed. Depending on the company, the cloud models, public cloud and private cloud, can contribute a great deal to corporate agility. At the same time, the public cloud is just as secure as the private cloud. What you store as a company in rented cloud services is always yours! A cloud partner such as the specialized service provider offers services and solutions for migration, training and managed services as well as the opportunity to test individual business ideas. In this way, you can live innovation in your company and continue to develop.

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